
When do cucumbers go bad?

by Guest66693  |  earlier

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i have 4 guinea's at home and im just introducing cucumbers to them. i brought two home and the first one lasted about two weeks because i only gave it to them every two days. the other one is getting soft and when i cut it open, the area closest to the skin was almost clear and gel like. while the center was still normal. is it bad or still safe for them to eat?




  1. Toss them when they get mushy..It has lost all it's nutritional value and its

  2. When you use them improperly. hehe

  3. when u see white stuff on them, but i dont know exactly when srry hope this helps

  4. the skin of the cucumber normally discolours maybe white or brown. Test along the cucumber to see if it is very soft and mushy.

  5. If it's got a soft spot, its gone bad, toss it out. Why aren't you helping your guinea's eat up the cucumbers, so they don't go bad. Cucumbers are very good for you also.  

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