
When do doctors normally talk about inducing in a healthy but overdue pregnancy?

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like if your 1 day past the due date do they talk about inducing or do they wait until a week or until the full 2 weeks over the due date to start inducing?




  1. it depends on your doctor there all diffent

  2. many doctors will have a different opinion on this, but I just had my doctors appt today and this very topic came up and this is her practice:  She does not advise any of her patients to go past 41 weeks.  While the thinning of the cervix, the position of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid in the sac etc. all come into play, once you're beyond 41 weeks, the risk of meconium staining and fetal distress is a lot higher, so while there is a greater chance of c-section when you are manually induced, you have to take all the factors into consideration and decide on the best strategy for you and the baby....currently I'm 33 weeks and obviously we're going to go along with the assumption that nature will take it's course, but at around 39-40 weeks, this may become a topic of conversation.

  3. Im not positive, but I think it depends on the situation.  Like if a woman has been stuck at 2 cm for weeks and is not progressing, they may want to induce.  Or if the baby is already very large, that's another reason they may want to induce.  I don't think there's any definite answer, it is going to be on a case to case basis.  

  4. It usually depends how big the baby is, and if it is a potentially harmful situation.

  5. That depends on your health and the health of the baby. If you are having a non high risk pregnancy and the baby is doing well they will let you go a little bit but again some docotrs are afraid of malpractice and may want to get the baby out instead of waiting for to long. Ask your health care provider. Good luck.

  6. Every doctor is different. My doctor won't let you go more than a week and a half past the due date. And if you're in a lot of pain and dilated before that, he will induce.

  7. It really depends on your doctor.  Sometimes they will suggest you try several different natural methods before doing an actual induction.  Usually they will continue to see you once a week, sometimes doing ultrasounds to make sure the placenta is still fully functioning.  If you are going to a doctor who prefers to try and do things naturally they usually wait at least a week or two before doing an all out induction.

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