
When do dogs get natural instincts to Protect/Hunt ?

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I have a 11month old labrador *very big, looks about 4yrs* and i have been in danger and he didn't protect me, do Labs have to be a certain age to feel protective over his owner ??? He already feel a jealous and started to bark, i know he got it in him!

I understand Labs are to meant to be protective but I'm sure they must feel something when danger is about.


1. Is there a certain age for a dog to be Protective?

2. Is my dog too young to understand Danger?

3. Am i asking too much of a puppy?






  1. No, there is no certain age for a dog to be protective. Some dogs are, and some dogs aren't. Labs are usually pretty happy go lucky dogs and chances are your dog will just be a happy dog towards everyone. I have two dogs. One is protective over me and is watchful over all possible threats. My other dog though would treat any possible threat as a friend. It's just your dog's personality.  

  2. no not really he might pick it up watching other  dogs or the instincts will kick in some day  

  3. i wouldnt say a lab is a great dog for protection. a german shepherd yes, but a lab no

  4. 1. Labs are not bred to be guard or protection dogs, so your dog might never protect you. That said, many dogs do not start displaying protectiveness until they've gone through their mental maturation phase, which usually happens when the dogs is 18-24 months old. My first dog, a Belgian Tervueren, which is a breed meant to herd, guard and protect, did not show any watch dog, guarding or protection instincts until she was 2 years old.

    Also watch dog and protecting are two different things. Most dogs will barking to alert their owners of intruders or to warn of a potential attacker, but only a percentage of these will actually protect.

    2. He should pick up on your emotions, fear, anger etc., but at 11 months old, he might very well be expecting you to handle the situation and protect him, not the other way round.

    3. Yes, he's still only a teenage dog. My puppy (Groenendael, also breed to herd, guard and protect) has been "guarding" since she was 3 months old, but she barks and growls to alert me, so that I can handle the "bad guys" while she hides behind my legs.

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