
***When do i move my pregnant guppy to a breeding tank?

by  |  earlier

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i posted a question and heard that my guppy should drop the fry in about a week. should i move my guppy out now? because i heard that if i move it close to birth time, the fry will be born prematurely. my tank is 1.5 gallon so it can give birth to the fry there. is that enough space too?




  1. That is plenty of space and it is best to move them earlyer than l8er!

  2. yep you should,

    cause when i was at my grandma's house they have a really big aquarium with 15 fishes in it and there's more at the basement though.

    and theres one pregnant.

    and it has it babies in the big aquarium one its too late when they putted it in the breeding tank. and all its babies got eaten by the other fishes except for one  but it's tale got bitten though the fish's tail was so small when it grew up.

    so put it in breeding tank as soon as you cn.

    just telling the story to kinda warn you a little of what will happen to the baby fishes.

    cause it happenned to me too.

    i cried and my mama fiss died with its babies.

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