
When do i need to get my horses' teeth flaoted?

by  |  earlier

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I have 5 horses and I don't know how to tell if they need their teeth flaoted. I have asked a good number of people when i should get it done. The horses' ages are 5, 9, 11, 5, and 6.




  1. Your horses need their teeth examined and floated at least once a year- that is a normal, expected part of good management practice. Regular dental care keeps horses comfortable and allows them to chew properly, which also means that they get the full benefit of the food they eat. On top of this, regular dental care helps prevent training problems such as head tossing, and makes the horse less vulnerable to colic and founder caused by inability to chew food. In the case of our horses, I currently am pushing to get their teeth examined and floated- just because it needs to be done, like changing the oil on a car. There is nothing wrong with any of them at the moment- but regular dental care will help keep them healthy, just like their getting their annual spring shots will.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Have you tried a vet or farrier??

  3. Since you dont have any 3 yrs olds You should have them all cked by a vet or by a person that is lisenced to do it .

    They should be done at least every 2 yrs if they have no problem s

    Ck at the race track they have people who do them and they are good at it My x husband does it . it will cost anywhere from 75.00 to 150.00 per horse depending one how bad they are or if they need to be medicated , But its always good to have your horses welfare first

    If they are losing weight

    or having problems with throwing there heads and or refuses to get on the bit

    But just get  it done Then you wont have to worry

    He will tell if they need it are not so you might only have to do one or None ?good luck

  4. Stable kept animals need teeth floated because the natural process of constant foraging is not available to them.

  5. My horses always got their teeth done once a year by an equine dentist.

    Pay attention for any changes in behavior or eating habits. If you know they haven't been floated in a long time it won't hurt to go ahead and call the dentist and make an appointment, or have your vet take a look next time they're out. Most vets I've known would take a look at a horse's teeth anytime their were out to give the horse a check-up anyway.

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