
When do i need to start the clomid???

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0 LIKES UnLike spouse is away for a business trip.. we are trying to have a baby. Im going to go see him August 15. When do I need to have my period and start the clomid.. help me figure this out please.




  1. You need to start your period about the beginning of August because you may ovulate about two weeks after your period starts making ovulation around the 15th. But sometimes ovulation can occur later on Clomid or earlier. Im currently on Clomid on cycle days 1-5. Alot of people say that taking it those days are wrong but women have actually conceived faster taking them on those days than any other days.  Ive been ovulating on Clomid around cycle day 13-15 but I have read that some women ovulate as late as cycle day 40! Hopefully you will get your period sometime between the end of this week or beginning of next week.  Good luck and I hope everything works out for you!

    Tons of sticky baby dust!

  2. If you haven't taken Clomid before, it's going to be very hard to time everything just right. I assume you're taking Provera to start your period- but there's no telling when your period will actually start, even if you've taken Provera before- it can take anywhere from 2-14 days after the last pill. Then, timing ovulation is not that easy, either- it won't come on a schedule, it varies for every woman. If he is going to be home for good after the 15th, then I would say skip this month and try again when he is home.

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