
When do i ovulate i ended my period on 8-13-08 i need some help to know when im ovulating?

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  1. 8-18-2008

  2. My doctor says most women ovulate EXACTLY 14 days after the start of their last period. She also said something about how typically if you're egg is fertilized early in ovulation, it's going to be a girl. If it's fertilized later in your ovulation, it'll be a boy. I thought that was pretty interesting!

    You can tell when you specifically are ovulating when your vaginal fluids are clear and more abundant... she says like raw egg whites. Also, you'll feel a little more "randy" while ovulating... :)

  3. you need to know your first day of period to know you ovulating days. from your first day of period count about 15 to 18 days. or try the billings method to know better.  

  4. usually every 25 days....

  5. You can google it there is a calender, but if I am not mistaken, I believe that you should ovulate 12-15 days after you start your period.  I think.

  6. I would depend upon the length of time between the start of your periods, and the length of your periods.

    If your period was 4 days long, then you started on the 9th. Therefore you should be ovulating on the 23rd (on a 28 day cycle) to 27th (on a 32 day cycle).

    It is usually 14 days prior to the due start date of your next period.  

  7. i use this service to track periods and it has an ovulation calculator

    i think the average is the 7th-11th day of your cycle

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