
When do i pick plums off a plum tree will they ripen up on a sunny windowsill?

by  |  earlier

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at the moment they are green i want to pick them before wasps get them thank you




  1. I would leave them on the tree as long as possible though,they tend to have a better taste.

  2. leave them till they go a nice colour feel them they should have a bit of give in them when they are ripe they don't all ripen at the same time should be ripening now had one off a plot next to mine  .    enjoy

  3. we had a plum tree in the yard where i used to work.a workmate picked them one year while they were green and hard.he took them home wrapped them in tissue,put them in a drawer.when he brought some back a few weeks later they were Delicious

  4. yup windowsill and they should ripen unless there is no sun...

    just don't forget them

  5. Actually Tomatoes are the only fruit that self ripen

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