
When do i start using a plug/earlet for my gauge?

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i started stretching with an acrylic taper about 4 days ago.

the tapers are 12s.. i do a warm sea salt soak every day.

i don't feel any pain and they don't bother but, sometimes they just get a bit itchy.. is it because they get dry?

anyway i cleaned them yesterday and the O ring had a litttttle itsy bit of blood.. only in my right ear though.

but now theres no more blood..

when should i put in a small plug/earlet?

what should i put and when?

please help.




  1. How small are your gauges now? Please tell me you're not trying to go from an 18 to a 12 in one go.

    Get plugs to keep your new gauge and let them heal a bit before trying to stretch them again.

    I'm glad to hear you are doing a warm sea salt soak, that will help.

    Remember that gauging needs to be treated like a fresh piercing, so just take it slow and don't gauge more than one size at a time.

    Also, while stores like Hot Topic and Spencers are fairly sure to have a plug in your size, it is better to go to a piercing/tattoo place and talk to the piercer there if this is your first experience with gauging.

  2. You shouldn't be leaving acrylic tapers in your ears. Acrylic omits some kind of chemical that is not good for healing piercings and shouldn't be worn for a long period in healed piercings. Personally, I avoid acrylic completely. Titanium and Stainless Steel are your best bets for healing piercings. So, if your jewelry is acrylic then you should go buy titanium or SS jewelry and put that in, don't keep the tapers in.

    And yes, continue to do sea salt soaks once or twice a day.  

  3. Actually you shouldn't leave the tapers in, immediately after stretching it you should put the stainless steel or titanium plug or ring or whatever in there. The reasoning behind this is acrylic tapers are porous which means they will hold onto the bacteria that you don't need in your ears. They can be left in for a while but it's best to go ahead and put the plugs in, just when you stretch make sure you put plugs in that will give it room to swell and breath.

    The itching means it's healing, it's just an effect of your body's healing.

  4. I would as soon as possible. And go to places like Hot Topic to get the right size gauge and etc.  

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