
When do kids start playing cricket and football

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At what age do children start getting into playing cricket and football? Our little boy is now seven, and hasn't yet shown any interest in playing these sports, or other sports.




  1. hmm, I was a little bit like that until I was about 6. It's normal for a while.

    Something that got me interested was video games, I had this Manager game from like '97 or something, which taught me the ins and outs of the game and stuff, these days FIFA or PES would be a good choice.

    After a while I just naturally wanted to play , and there were all sorts of football schools available during the summer, like one run by a former man utd footballer.

    A word of advice, don't rely on his school to get him involved cos it doesn't happen. All of the teachers are Female these days and you end up doing some poncy dancing, aerobics or games with bean bags and stuff, take him somewhere extra curricular.

    Hope this helps, I'm 18 now btw.

  2. i were playing by 6. Best to try and pool him into a local club and force the sport on him. i'e: take him to games, buy him the kit and have a kick around with him.

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