
When do kids start writing "actually"?

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my almost 4 year old daughter recognizes alphabets, can read basic words ( etc), traces letters well, but still doesn't write/copy letters, At what age kids start writing.. should I be worried.




  1. I started in kindergarden class. We would have note books and we learned words and we would write about our day

    This was only 7 years ago

  2. I guess...6 or 7?

  3. It varies from kid to kid really ... some do it sooner than others. And on how involved the parents are

    I could read and write (albeit in a very shaky handwriting) at that age because my dad taught me how to, and he worked with me every day on practicing.

  4. no worries, we were still being shown cards like "q is for quilt" in kindergarten

  5. don't be worried they start in kindergarten or first grade. don't be worried.

  6. Don't be worried. When I got into kindergarden the only word i could copy was my name. And I'm the smart one at my school :)

  7. at tree years old they need to learn how to hold the pencil the right way and try to write the letters but at 4 they need to know how to write their names first and last no more

  8. My daughter started writing letters when she was three. Now at 3 yrs and 6 months she can write her name and big and little alphabets. she can also write numbers 1 to 10 . she started to read just last month. She is amazing!!!!!!

  9. You shouldn't be worried right now.  

    It is important to point out the development of writing so you can see where your daughter is.  Writing often goes from:

    --Lines and shapes

    --Those up and down squiggly lines you might see when a cartoon character is writing.

    --Random letters.

    --Something closer to what they're trying to write.


    The first question I have is - can she spell?  If not, teach her that.  That is a skill that comes before reading, but is not always emphasized so it comes later for those that do not have it available to them.  She should pick up on that easily if taught properly (see my reference page for a book of great ideas).

    How is her pencil grip?  That is an indication of how her fine motor skills are and (as a result) how ready she is to write.  If she needs help in that area, any activity where you grasp things with the pencil grip will help (transferring beads, puzzles that have a small peg in each piece...)



  10. kids start writing usually around her age or a little older, theyll work in it in kindergarten if she isnt already learning it in her preschool, i wouldn't be concerned if i were you. most likely itll happen quite suddenly within the next year :) keep working with her, but don't push her or get frusterated.

  11. my cousin is 5 years old and has been writing since he was 3, on the other hand, my brother is almost 5 and he just started writing... i think your daughter will start writing when shes ready

  12. No need to be worried.  Just work with her on building fine motor skills.  Here are some ideas:

  13. she's doing very well for 4.  give her a year or two.  she'll be writing before she gets halfway through kindergarten.

  14. You can help her along by making a game out of tracing letters. This will help her to develop her fine motor skills needed to write letters. I wouldn't worry too much just yet.

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