
When do male rats become more laid back?

by Guest55585  |  earlier

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i was just wondering when male rats typically become lazier. Just a random question, since Chester is my first male rat. I've only had female's before.




  1. While males are typically more laid back, it really depends on the personality of the rat.  Rats are basically adults at 3 months, so if your rat is younger than that, he might just be acting more like a juvenile.

    Hope that helps!

  2. I'm comparing them to the human male species of course but I would say around their 40s.  Give or take a decade.  :~)

  3. My aunt's rat -male- was crazy for a month...and then he got bored x]

  4. They never do... they'll always be restless. They're never happy. The more stuff they get the more they want...

    OH, oops, I thought you said MALL rats! :-)

  5. Compared to female rats, male rats are markedly more laid back.  But it also depends on the personality of the rat.  I have 2 male rats and one just a little bit more laid back than the other.

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