
When do men make the decision to become a dad?

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Just looking for some advice really.

Recently split with my X of over 3 years to me wanting a family and him not wanting to start a family. We're both 23 and i feel the time is so right for me and so perfect! He on the other hand disagree's and is adament that he doesnt want children for maybe 5 years!

We've since split due to this family situation and i was just wondering.. whats the possibilties that he might change his mind within the next year? etc




  1. The probability of him changing his mind is good. I'd say 70 percent but not because he wants a family, and he may still protest it. But I can tell you why he left. Twenty-Three is still very young and just because you're ready, doesn't mean he is. It's like how a man should respect the fact a woman doesn't want to have s*x. Just because he's ready doesn't mean she is. Twenty-three is young, give it a few more years, I'd say 5-7, or whenever he's ready. If you want him back, you'll have to hold the family thing off.

  2. no possibilty i think most kids are accidental

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