
When do most people go into labor and when did you pack your hospital bag?

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The hospital where I am supposed to be giving birth at is 30 minutes away with no traffic. I spoke to my dr about being nervous about being stuck in traffic and being in lots of pain and miserable lol. He said most times women would go into labor at night when theres lighter traffic. When did you all go into labor? Did you have time to at least take a quick shower and get your bag packed? I am 30 weeks. I dont want to have my bag packed starting now lol. Thanks for answering




  1. It doesn't take anything to pack a little bag and leave it by your bed.  At least you know it's there and ready whenever you are.  

  2. Well the packet my Doctor gave me when I was pregnant with my first child, it said to pack a bag at 30 weeks and just keep it ready! On my labor I also lived about 20 min away without traffic. I went in on a Monday late afternoon because I thought I was in Labor and some water was leaking out! It wasn't to bad, but they induced me. So my husband just went home really quick and got our bag while they were getting all my paperwork ready for admitting me in labor and delivery!

    Well hope this helps, good luck and Congrats!!

  3. Most people go into labour 2 weeks either side of their due date.

    I was 13 days over my due date when i went into labor and it was about 2pm.

    I had plenty of time to take a sower and get there.

    I also had my bag pack as early as about 30 weeks, i was worried incase i had my baby really early.

    You have to remember though that every pregnancy and labor is different.

  4. pack your bags when you have like a month left until your due date...people go into labor allllll different times..theres no way to tell. i went into  labor on my due date but that hardly ever happens. i already had my bags packed..and yeah you have time to take a shower if you want..but in my case my contractions were already 3-4 minutes apart from the start. good luck!

  5. Since you are considered full term at 37 weeks, have your bag packed by then, though, I've read that the average 1st baby comes at 41 weeks 1 day.  Of course, although I say all of that, I will be 30 weeks tomorrow, and we are no where near putting the room together for my older son so that we can move him out of the nursery before the baby comes.  With my 1st born (now 2) my water broke either over night or sometime in the early morning because when I stood up that morning to get ready for work, there was a slow trickle down my legs that I knew wasn't urine.  They actually had to induce labor because despite the water breaking, I did not go into labor.  That was at 39 weeks 3 days.

    You will have plenty of time to take a shower and grab a few last minute things before heading to your hospital.  You don't need to be to the hospital until your contractions are 5 minutes apart, and you will know you are in labor long before they are that close.  In fact, I would recommend going and getting something to eat after your shower before heading to the hospital since many hospitals will not feed you until after you deliver once you are checked in.

  6. I was very excited so I packed my bag right away.

    I've usually gone into labor at night or early early morning.

    I wouldn't take a shower, water before your at a 4 can slow your labor down. But it depends on how heavy the contractions are. I stayed at home and slept though the first stage of labor with my first one. If your 30 minutes away though I'd leave as soon as you feel them. You don't want to have a baby in the car! ;)

  7. With my first pregnancy, I packed my bag around 35 wks. You should have time to take a shower and stuff before you go. If you don't want to pack your bag now, you would probably have time to do that too. Most 1st labors, you have to wait awhile.

  8. Great question, I want to know the same things.

    You should try to have most things packed by 36 weeks. Of course there will be things you'll have to throw in at the last minute such as toiletries and certain articles of clothing.  Don't forget to take your bed pillow so you can be comfortable in the hospital bed.

  9. 3 out of 4 times I've gone into labor was between 1-3am. The 1st time my water just broke. EVERY time I took a shower pain and all..and Not the easiest thing in the world mind you. I packed main things by 32 weeks with my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies because my 1st was a 37weeker. Thankfully I did because they came at 34 & 36 weeks. With my last one I went into labor at 1:30am and by the time we got to the hospital by 3am I was already complete. Our hospital with traffic can take over an hour so I was very lucky to only go into labor during the night..we got there in right about 20 minutes with the last one..thank God with no tickets!

  10. Congrats on your pregnancy!! Well i think your right to start packing your bag now, i was induced at hospital and trust me you will have enough time to get to hospital, probably even have a shower and do some other bits and pieces. The longer your at home the better ( i never got this as i was in hospital the whole time) You'll know you're in labour but at the start the pains aint that bad you can still do normal activites. Good luck hun!  

  11. i am 34 weeks pregnant and i have to deliver at a hospital that is about an hour and a half away as i need special care for this my ob gyn told me at my last visit that there is no harm in having a bag packed and even put it in the trunk now so that if need be we just hop in the car and head on our was without having to think about grabbing the bag!! so i am going to be packing one over the weekend and doing just that!!  best to be prepared would be my answer to your question!!  all the most happiest wishes to you!!

  12. well considering your 30 min away, id say not to take a shower before you go and find out if your hospital has showers becuase most do. id take a shower once you get there. also its never to early to pack your bags just for that peace of mind.  

  13. I always had my bag packed about 2 weeks before my due date.  Last minute things were my pillow, hubby's computer (for music and pictures of our other kids and family), and cell phone and charger.

  14. you should have your bag packed now but there will be things you will have to throw in at the last minute like your shampoo and personal items extra but baby items and that things you can pack now....alot of ppl do go into labor at night but its not garnteed you could be at work or in the afternoon its hard to say....but usually labor take a few hours depends on if its your 1st or last one depends on the indivdiuals  

  15. I'v always went past 40 weeks, just by a week or so. I packed a couple pair of pjs, shampoo and conditioner, slippers, lots of pads, some baby blankets, and the smallest baby outfit that you can find.

    Before the baby is born, you look at the outfit that you have picked out for the baby and you think to yourself, yea, this will fit the baby, it looks small enough. But when the baby is born and you put that outfit on him or her, the baby will be swimming in it. The outfit will look huge. I felt that I didn't have time to take a shower, but my husband did. When I got to the hospital I was dialated to 7, so skip the shower.

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