
When do people in Spain listen to Flamenco?

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Do people listen to CDs of it, or is it usually heard in a performance or club?




  1. it is heard usually in performances

    some people have flamenco cd´s, but it is a typical music from southern Spain, not nothern.

  2. You can find it on certain national radio stations all over the country, though usually the "lighter" type of flamenco music is that which is played. What is called "Cante Jondo" is usually done in festivals in areas of Andalucía, as is the festival of Mining Music in La Union, for example. (There has even been a festival of flamenco music in Japan!)

    The following websites can give you a lot of information on flamenco and flamenco festivals...

    If you visit Andalucía, and walk down any street in the smaller towns, you'll hear flamenco being sung on the radio through the open windows!

  3. I have a CD.  They sell them.  I would go to a club.  A good one in Sevilla is La Carbonería.  Dancing, too.  Doesn't even open until, like 10:00.

  4. Flamenco is not the national music of Spain, and is generally heard in Andalucia where it originated.  People buy CDs, just like any other music, and go to clubs and festivals to hear and see it.

  5. Flamenco isn't usually associated with just music, it's usually put with the form of dance that goes with it. Although I'm sure you could find Cd's of it, it's usually a listened to while pleasing the eye with beautiful performance.

  6. i think it's more of a performance music because i never heard it while i was there. only at a's more of an outting music. on the radio you hear popular music

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