
When do people sit down 4 christmas dinner. 24 or 25?

by  |  earlier

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i think u sit down 4 christmas dinner on the 24 but my by stupid annoying cousin( which i love very muvh said 25)

aint u suppose to open presents on th 5 and have dinner on 24

{ just askin }




  1. listen to yourself ,for Pete sake;...slowly now...

                 when do you eat "Christmas dinner",again,..."Christmas dinner",what do you call the sh*t your eating on Christmas?

       25 th=Christmas= you have to f*ckin eat=dinner=Christmas dinner on 25 th

  2. Both days. My family (cousins and all) usually feasts on the eve, then waits until midnight, when everyone will open one gift. Then on the day, we feast at a different house, after opening gifts at home in the morning.

  3. Eat Christmas dinner on Dec. 25.

  4. It depends on your family traditions.

    Today, (24), we're opening presents and having dinner with one side of the family.

    Tomorrow, (25), we're opening present and having dinner with the other side of the family.

  5. For me and my family, the 24th is christmas dinner.

    and the 25th is the family time such as open the gift after dinner too.

  6. I asked the dinner question earlier and some say they have Eve dinners and others at noon on Day. or BOTH.


  7. Yes,

    if ur say me why not

  8. I eat breakfast with my family. :P

    is that weird?

  9. In my family we sit on the 25

  10. both. if you like to play with presents on christmas go on the 24 but if you have time on christmas go on the25

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