
When do stretch marks set in? I'm 36.5 wks pg with no stretch marks yet.?

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Should I expect them in the next couple of weeks? Can you prevent them with creams or does the stretch mark occur from the inside of the skin?




  1. Congratulations!!!! you are one of the lucky ones that will prob not get any.  I am the same as you, I had 3 children and I did end up with a few very light ones with my last pregnancy but I also gained 60 pounds and had a 10 pound 5 ounce baby so no wonder I got a couple lol.  You may notice some very very faint ones later after you lose any weight but this will prob only be seen on your upper butt, this is where I had some very light ones (not even noticeable to others, just myself as I was looking for them)  I did however get them on my b*****s for some strange reason, I guess my b***s grew to fast or something.

  2. Congrats on the baby but even more importantly on no stretch marks! How lucky are you!! I'm 17 weeks pregnant and already have a few little stretch marks appearing!!. The best way to prevent them is to keep your tummy supple. Try Palmer's cocoa butter stretch mark cream (£4.50) or bio oil(£8.99) or just normal baby oil all do the same job. I hope you don't get any at all.

    Good Luck and God Bless To You and Your Baby

  3. Hi,

    I used to have pretty bad stretch marks and red scars around my belly region ever since I gave birth to my three kids.I had tried Vitamin E oil and cocoa butter which a number of people had recommended but unfortunately it didn't seem to work too well. My Doctor had even suggested that I go for a Tummy Tuck. I then recently read an article about a lady who supposedly got rid of her stretch marks using a particular cream. I tried it and it worked really well. It took a number of weeks but my stretch marks soon faded away. You can read the lady's article at the link below.

    However i'm not sure whether you can use it to prevent stretch marks

  4. I started getting them around 38 weeks with my first. not a big deal if you do get them but if you don't that's great too. if you have never had stretch marks before you got pregnant you most likely wont get them

  5. Well some people wont get them. I got them the night before I had my daughter. That was just bad timing for me. So you can always end up getting them but I had been putting the co co butter on and stopped the last few weeks so I am not sure if that could be the reason I got them but I would not worry about them they fade if you do end up with some. My friend just had twins and she never got any stretch marks and that was her third and fourth child and never put any thing on her belly. Good luck and congrats!!

  6. I didn't get stretch marks until about 38 wks.

    I was using cream but I stopped so I'm not sure if they work or not.

    I guess using a cream won't hurt so do it to try but don't rule out the possibility of getting them so late.

  7. From what I understand they can appear anytime, even after you deliver.

  8. most likely you won't get them now, I never had them either! just be glad. and no those creams do not make any difference

  9. I'm guessing you won't get them. I did get two TINY ones a couple days ago and I just turned 37 weeks today but they are very light and just a bit on my sides, so I wouldn't worry about. I heard it's mostly genetics and just how your skin stretches- and that creams and lotions don't really help, but the lotion feels good on an itchy stomach for sure :) Congrats!

  10. Ahh i was the same as you and i thought i had got away with it. They turned up when i was 39 weeks. There not bad though. Only very faint silvery ones that you can now hardly see.

    I think the reason mine were ok was because i used bio oil throughout my pregnancy.

  11. I didn't get any until 38 weeks.They all showed up at once.

  12. I never got stretch marks with both pregnancies.  Some women don't get them.  You may be one of the lucky few.  Good luck.

  13. They are genetic, if your mom did not get them neither will you.  You are most likely one of the lucky ones who will not.

  14. if you havent got them by now i doubt you will.. i have heaps but i got them early as soon as i started to show... i look like a raod map now

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