
When do teens usually get their high cheekbones?

by  |  earlier

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I know that not all people have high cheekbones. But for the ones that do/may but aren't showing because of their youth.

My sister's didn't show until she was 16. My friend's didn't show until she was 18.




  1. If they HAVE them...they will show when they lose their baby fat

  2. i am 40 i am still waiting

  3. Not every one has high cheekbones hun. It usually has to do with the rae they are. If you are going to get them it will probably be when u lose your bay fat.

  4. I think I noticed mine around 16/17

  5. Generally if you have them, you will always have been able to see them. Or, if you are a bit on the chubby side, then you will see them when you lose the "puppy fat" at the end of your teens..So I'm guessing when you are about 19..

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