
When do the Ossetians get to say what they think?

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Are there any media giants in the US that even care about their side of the story? All you ever hear about is "poor old Georgia" and "big mean Russia". When do the people at the center of this get their turn? After all, this whole thing kicked off when Georgia bombed the c**p out of them, killing thousands of people in one day. One almost gets the impression that the media WANTS them to get lost in the shuffle.

I also find it interesting that the US goes on and on about Georgias sovereignty and their right to freedom and self-determination, when thats what the Ossetians are fighting for, but their voices are ignored. Same goes for the people in Abkhazia. It could have easily been them who were beaten to a pulp.




  1. Finally someone who can think beyond the "media" and bush what they want you to believe.

  2. I haven't seen one thing about it in the British media that even looked at the other side of the war. They really are just focussing on Georgia!

  3. Many of those Ossetians being 'defended' by the Russians hold a Russian citizenship.

    The decision to hold a Russian Passport is a statement.

  4. They're a minority group living on Georgian land.  If all the blacks in the USA decided they wanted to build a separate nation on American soil do you think the US would allow it?

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