
When do the police have the right to search my car?

by  |  earlier

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they cant just search for no reason can they?




  1. No they need your permission

  2. I'm pretty sure Military police can.

  3. They either need permission from you or probable cause, like if they looked in your car and saw drug paraphernalia, guns (in some states), or other illegal things. Sometimes if you don't know your rights, you feel pressured into telling them they can search your car. If they ask, don't let them, and ask what their probable cause is. If they say they don't have one, then you are perfectly free to tell them no.

  4. Either you give them permission or they find probable cause to believe that you may have something illegal inside of it, e.g. joints, bullets, syringe...etc.

    --No, they can't just go searching through your vehicle for no reason.

  5. When you give permission or if they have plausible suspicion of criminal mischeif.

  6. no they cant search your car for no reason they cant even search your car if they have a rreason they have to get a warrant  

  7. If you are arrested while driving, suspected of carrying contraband across a border, or with a warrant.  The police may seize and use against you anything illegal that is in plain sight and search without a warrant, if they can show just cause to believe a crime is being or has been committed

  8. If I am towing your car I have the right to perform an inventory search.

    If I am placing you under arrest I have the right to search your car.

    If I have reasonable suspicion I have the right to search your car.

    If I have your permission I can search your car.

    And anything I find during my search can be used against you in a court of law. Don't break the law and you have nothing to worry about.

  9. The reasons are varied and many.  Here are the most common in order of there occurrence:

    Consent to Search

    Search Contemporaneous to an arrest from the vehicle

    Probable Cause to believe contraband exists in the car (Plain view, plain smell)


  10. Warrant, probable cause, or permission.

  11. Only if they have a search warrant!

  12. They can only search your car if :

    A: You give Permission

    B: They have a warrant

    They will only search your car if they are under the impression that you are disobeying the law in any form or matter whether it be the presumption of illegal substances, the vehicle was involved in a previous crime etc. If you aren't disobeying the law then i suggest you to not worry seeing as it will be over and done within 2 minutes of so which is better then denying them access to their civil duty and the possibility of going to JAIL.  

  13. depends!!!!

    If you are an American YES they can search your car with or without cause or reason.

    If you are an illegal Mexican NO way can they search your car. Mexicans are exempt from American Laws and the Police can't do nothing about it.

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