
When do they announce the 2016 Host city for the Olympics?

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Is it anytime soon?

I hope it's Chicago, then i will go see them!




  1. the announcement of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games host city will be made at the IOC meeting in Denmark on 02 October 2009.

  2. the election of the 2016 Games host city is at the 121st IOC Session in Copenhagen, Denmark, on October 2, 2009.

  3. My friend, it will be announced on October 2, 2009. I also, hope that Chicago, get it.

    Good luck

  4. 2009, they allow countries 7 years to prepare, I live in Sydney and watched the preperation for the 2000 games, the amount of work that goes into this is huge... particulary in terms of infrastructure.... building huge stadiums, ensuring transport networks are in place etc

  5. 2009 i think

  6. It's not official, but from everywhere i hear it, Chicago is heavily favored for the Olympics.

  7. I heard that they will announced at 2009 or 2011.

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