
When do they ever ask a man if he can work and have time for his kids but they want to ask Sarah? ?

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rachal your the only one with any brains, this is 2008 women can run a house raise a family and run for vp stop thinking women need to be barefoot and pregnant or need a man to tell them what to do




  1. Because she is the MOM it really isn't that hard to understand.......

    Fathers have a job to do but let's not forget that even the law says that the mom has the most responsability that is why the kids usually end up with her after a divorce.

  2. Grow up. Men and women are different, and Palin's husband is not taking care of that baby.

    Nor is he going to do half of the house work.

    He is not going to the La Leche league meetings for her either.

  3. Our country has a double standard when it comes to women's and men's roles in the workplace and at home.

  4. Most men are not still suckling a newborn disabled infant. Think about the baby if you can.  

  5. They don't. In our GOP we do. Her husband needs to get a J O B.

  6. simple, because she has the brest milk!

  7. Women have a responsibility for our children, not that men don't but come on, your a woman.  you understand this.  

  8. You already know the answer to this if you are a mom....its hard...I work as a nurse and have 2 children...there are days, i only get by with a pot of coffee and energy bars...and I'm not the exception...any woman speaking truthfully will agree

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