
When do toddlers learn to count numbers and memorize ABCs?

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My son is 20 months old and Im a first time mom ..I teach him letters and numbers..First i start the first three letters of the he can recognize them very well..But i want to know more about teaching them..and otherthan that i want to know when do children learn the basic math..(addition and substraction)

Thank you




  1. It is important to make learning fun. If the child enjoys it, the sky is the limit. Interaction with Mommy, personal attention, is addictive. So too much can be harmful to their social skills. Children wont understand why you stop paying attention, so you must give them personal alone time too. If the child seems to grasp counting, continue to the next step. Don't be a drill Sargent, and push till it isn't fun anymore, but work on other skills too, like please, thank you, and sharing. Temper tantrums are unproductive. (dont let them get what they want with a tantrum) Playing in the park or a sand box with other kids is an important interaction tool, the separation anxiety on the first day of school is a tough one. I have seen kids who can read and write and add and subtract small numbers before they start pre-school. Happy well adjusted kids. But schools don't make provisions for them, they have to learn at the other kids' pace. Because they don't "fit in" at such a young age, they crave attention, and misbehave. No two kids learn at the same pace. But the system cant be tailored to everyone, so it will be up to you to help them adjust. The early years are important for social skills, but they are also a sponge for learning. It is important to keep learning fun.  

  2. Addition and subtraction are not necessary before school starts! Kids need to learn social skills before they learn anything academic, in my opinion. It will serve your son much more if you get involved in a playgroup where he can be around a lot of other toddlers. The toddler I nanny knows a bunch of letters from his old nanny, but I don't work on them with him. It's more important to me that he learns "no hitting" "no kicking" etc.  

  3. we started teaching my neice and nephew the alphabet and numbers when they turned 3 and just kept pushing them and rewarding them everytime they learned a new letter or number. By the time they were 4, they pretty much had it down. Now as for adding and subtracting they were about 6 before they caught on to that. Hope this helps!

    Good luck!

  4. The majority of my class of 2 year olds could count to 10 or 15, and knew the some of the alphabet. Some of the more advanced ones could even write their names at 2 1/2.

    It depends, alot of kids don't have it down until 3 or 4.

    Other things he can learn-

    colors, shapes, animals, animal sounds, textures

    I wouldn't worry about math until atleast 4. Even then, that's what kindergarten is for, right?

  5. it depends on your son, you have to study his movements and ability sometimes @ 20 months or before his 2nd bday.  

    addition and subtraction will follows.. on his 3 to 4 years of age. dont rush him.

    Good luck.  

  6. Seriously - don't freak about this.  My son couldn't even talk before he was two!  Just surround your child with "learning activities" and let him take the lead.  

    My son is 4, and only now is he starting to get the hang of recognizing letters.  I've been wanting him to for what seems like forever now - but he was just never interested.  The thing I found that finally changed the tide for him was when we started playing a matching game with scrabble tiles - that and making a song out of the spelling of his name.  None of the things I had tried before had worked at all.  He could have cared less about coloring letters, magnets, and all the other things tha seemed to work so well with my little brothers.  

    My son, like many children, has his own ideas about what he wants and needs to know.  I remember when we were trying to teach him colors.  NOTHING seemed to work.  I finally dug up an old TI Touch & Tell (my FAVORITE electronic learning toy, btw) and he loved it.  Within two days he had all his colors down pat.  

  7. I teach 2 1/2 - 3 year olds.  They know:

    1.Letters of the alphabet,

    2 Numbers from 1-20

    3. Shapes: Circle, square, rectangle, triangle, heart, oval, star, octagon, hexagon, pentagon, and diamond.

    4. Colors: red, purple, blue, pink, brown, black, green, white, yellow, and orange.

    5. They are learning right now how to write their names and letters.  I make tracing paper for them to practice on.

    These are just some of the things I teach my preschoolers.  Of course teaching them manners, rules, how to socialize, skills, and more are also important in their development.  

    Here is a website that will be helpful:

    I hope this helps! :)

  8. Your son's mind is ready to absorb the alphabet and numbers and to recognize all of them, just like his expanding vocabulary.  My nephew was reading at 3 because his mom and dad took time to make it fun.  When teaching him the alphabet you can also help him learn the sounds letters make just like the sounds animals make.

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