
When do u believe the world is going to end?

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When do u believe the world is going to end?




  1. The world is pretty much indestructable, so i think its here to stay but human life i think will be 300 years

  2. 4.5 to 5 billion years from now

  3. i'm afraid the world will end in about 10 years.

  4. I always thought it would be 2012 since Nostradarmus said that the world would end then. Just have to wait and see I guess!!!!

  5. 5 years lol  

    some people might not get that  no to be serious in at least a blillion years Yay i am not gonna be alive when the sun blows up.

    although the world may never blow up if we build or find the technology to make the sun not blow up

  6. There won't be a fixed point in time. As the Sun ages and slowly bloats the Earth will gradually become less and less hospitable to life. Extinction to human life? Lots of variables. Pandemics can occur, Warfare can kill off huge numbers, but we're a hardy and adaptable race. Cosmic collision? Possibly, but if we see it coming we might affect the outcome in our favor. Some species have persisted for eons; consider the alligator.

    In other words, who knows.

  7. Well a big meter might hit earth in 2020 so thats when im guessing it'll end or in 2012 because that's what the bible says.

  8. when i stop running over squirrels

  9. Oct. 7th, 2063

  10. when everyone starts battling with each other for one in WW

    Won't be too long now but i also don't believe that ANYONE would know the exact date.


  11. 3 yrs, 5 months, and 2 days after....

  12. when we get into a nuclear war. i highky disbelieve we will survive until the earth is actually suposed to end. a nuclear holocaust would litterly blow it up

  13. who knows, it could be tomorrow.

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