so for the last 2 weeks i have been loosing my plug, having painful bh contractions, my back is killing me, i got sick thismorning, and have been having normal but frequent bm's (tmi sry). last time i went to the dr she pressed down a little on my pubic bone area and said heres his head...does that mean he's engaged? i get checked friday for dialation and i know 37 weeks is full term i'm not trying to go early ( im 36w2d) but with all of this going on when do u think i will go into labour..from personal experience? stories? he is in the 65% range and i have been measuring 3 weeks big since 30 weeks and its not fluid all baby..i had an u/s. they were talking about induction at 38 weeks but ide rather go naturally. everything is apperitiated
thank you