
When do u think i shold call the dr? five days late BFN?

by  |  earlier

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i am late five days and yesterday took test and again received a BFN.

i am on clomid. i even to HCG shot to help O. it is 19 DPO. BFN BFN BFN.......... when do u think? like how many days should i wait to call dr and make apt to get blood test and talk to her about no period? your advise will help me alot thanks.




  1. I would say wait another week if u still not got period then either take another pregnancy test or go to doctors that way he/she will do a blood test to c if ur pregnant.

  2. you could go see a doctor now  

  3. It's all a waiting game ....some women prefer to wait it out at home, others to have that blood test taken straight away. I would say either is fine, you could hold out a little longer to test again and if still a BFN - get to that doctor! Personally, I wouldn't be able to bear the wait - go for it, make that appointment!!

    Good luck and best wishes =]

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