
When do u truely no when your ?

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ready to marry cause i want to me and my baby have been going out for about a year and i love him




  1. It takes two.  

    When you are both ready you will know.

  2. you should know when your ready for marriage

  3. take your time...and when i say that, i don't mean months, but years!  Just be sure when you look at everything marriage holds for you and your partner, you're not the slightest bit scared, just as long as you have him.....but take your time, and if you feel the same way after a couple years, then go for it.

  4. When you can spell and write a sentence correctly.

    A year is not long enough.


    No one has ever truly experienced all they need to experience in life as things change all the time. Since you're young, I advise you to wait and become a little more mature. Assuming you know and have experienced everything screams naive and immature to me. Take some time to grow up and learn the world around you. I am 27 and learning more every day about life and what is required of me as an adult.

  5. In some ways you and your baby are going to need a lot more then love to figure out whether you should get married. Like are you prepared financially to start a life together? Can you support each other in times of distress? Those are just some of the things that come along with getting married.

    EDIT** : How have you experienced everything you need to experience? I'm sure I'm older then you, and even I haven't come close to experiencing everything that life offers

  6. I dont know. my hubby asked me after we had lived together awhile, had no more "masks" and were comfortable with eachother.

  7. if you think it has come to that point where you are ready to spend the rest of your life with this person then go ahead but if you even have a doubt wait til your ready

  8. That's "truly", "know", and "you're" for future reference. ☺

    So, how old are you and your 'baby'? Going out a year is long enough for mature adults to know if they feel compatible enough to marry, but teens or young adults typically need more time, maturity, and Life experience.

  9. You and your honey need to discuss marriage not you with complete strangers.  Everyone is different, and expects something different from their marriage.  We knew when Sept 11 happened and he was in the military.  It scared the c**p out of us, and really opened our eyes to one another.  We got married 2 days after he came home from Iraq because we wanted to never be apart from one another again, unless we didn't have a choice.  Talk to your honey and see what he/she thinks about it.  They have to be willing, too.

  10. This is a common mistake most couples make. Just being in love is not enough to make a good relationship. There has to be compatibility. You can't really get that by just dating. The best way to figure it out is to try living together. If you don't drive each other nuts then marriage might work.

    There are a whole host of things you have to work out first, like do you want to have children, will you be a two income home, where do you want to live, are you both financially capable of marriage, to name a few.

    For catholics you need a priest's approval before getting married, and there is usually a course you have to take. You and your beau should go see the equivalent of that, which can either be a counselor or your old grandmother.  

  11. when you feel like you cant live without eacother... seriously its all up to you two. have you even talked about marraige with them?

  12. Don't listen to the criticism people are giving. I married my husband after only knowing each other five months. We have been happily married for ten years now. If you both feel like your ready and have the ability to take care of each other financially then go for it.! Good Luck!

  13. only you know.not us

  14. idk its a feeling i am ready too as well but the girl just broke up with me after 3 years when i gave her a promise ring till we are done college!

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