
When do we get the cars with the fuel efficiency of those in Europe and other parts of the world???

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All of the major car companies produce, manufacture and sell cars around the world, right. Why does a F*** 1ton van in the U.S. get 14MPG, and in Irland get 35MPG? Same basic van, same company, differrent country. Just was hoping someone could explain this to me and the rest of us. Why do they not want us to have these vehicles in our driveways. Or mayby I should be asking, "How many people out there know about this? Looking forward to your thoughts and answers




  1. Because gasoline is about double the price in Europe than it is here. Plus, there are many diesel powered cars. Jeep offers a diesel engine (as well as VW) that are much much more efficient than gas. (The burn is more complete, gasoline engines are only about 20% efficient).

    europeans also don't have a 'bigger is better" attitude that we have here.

    If people aren't buying, companies wont make it. If people demand fuel efficient cars....then they will be made.

  2. We get exactly what we ask for. I am really tired of hearing this old conspiracy thing about the car companies and MPG's. Car companies want to sell cars. They will produce what we want to buy.

    Up until recently, most of us have rejected cars and trucks that are light and get great mileage. Fuel has always been much cheaper here than in Europe and Japan, so we would not buy those cars. Do you really believe all the greedy companies out there would pass on selling millions of small energy efficient cars if we demanded them?

  3. When you allow the government to lower the air quality standards to those of Europe so that the auto companies can put diesel engines in domestic cars like they do in Europe.

  4. Our country's leadership isn't as proactive and aggressive about the environment as other countries'.  Over there, regulations force products to be offered that leave much less of an environmental imprint while over here, policies give manufacturers much leeway to cut emissions more incrementally.  It took a Supreme Court decision this year to force the Bush Administration to treat carbon emissions as a pollutant, and the resolve of this Administration to implement that decision is questionable.  So, we await better leadership to catch up with other countries on conservation and emissions caps.

  5. They buy their gas in liters and the US uses gallons. Due to bad math, it just looks higher but is the same.

    The gas they use also doesn't have all the additives required by US law and these also reduce mileage.

  6. (1)When/if  the price of gas hits $5-6 a gallon like it is in Europe. Of course, then they'll really wage war around the gobe, except no one will bother with the whole "war on terrorism" nonsense

    (2) When there is some leadership in Congress adding a luxury tax to all non commercial vehicles that do not meet minimum MPG guidelines

    (3) When the hot place where George is going, freezes over.

  7. People in the USA are obsessed with power. They buy vehicles with all kinds of power that they don't need and almost never use.

    Power comes at the cost of economy, pure and simple.

  8. I don't think you can find the same van, one getting 14 MPG and the other getting 35 MPG.  If you think I am wrong, give me an example.

    You can get the same cars as in Europe and other parts of the world, but nobody wants them.

  9. In 2008

  10. US gallons are smaller.

    US oil is effectivly subsidised, see Stern report, it does not carry the same level of tax, so less financial incentive for people to change. And there are tax breaks for Hummers. Also MPG targets for cars exclude trucks, hence the most polluting SUVs (Slow Ugly Vehicles) can continue to use old clunky technology.

    US has vehicles like tesla & Phoenix available, you just need to go & support/buy them.; And hybrids were produced specifically for the US market initially.

    then see

  11. There are many ways to make a gas powered vehicle more fuel "efficient".  Here are five:

    1. Make it lighter

    2. Make it smaller displacement engine

    3. Make it more aerodynamic

    4. Cleaner burning engine or

    5. Supplemental power source

    If you want a vehicle with less comfort and less acceleration, then do that.  Fleets do it all the time.  Go for less features that add weight and "load" on the engine, like electric windows and upholstery, and go for the smallest displacement engine available.  

    Other than that the only way to increase gas mileage in a 1 ton van is to get a tow from a hybrid.


  12. Cuz Irish people are cool and know that it's good to save energy so they can do it well.

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