
When do we have to have a passport to go to mexico?

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When do we have to have a passport to go to mexico?




  1. You need one as of the first of this year.  You need one to go to Mexico any way you go (unless it's illegal).

  2. As soon as you can get one.  It's much easier to travel with one than without, even to Mexico.

    I think the actual deadline is, like, Jan 1 2009?

    It was supposed to be last year, and everything got bogged down because of the new regulations, so they extended it.

    Check with the State Department.

  3. now!

  4. If you are traveling by air, you will need to carry a passport with you.  If you are traveling by sea or land, however, you do not currently need a passport -- a birth certificate and driver's license will suffice.  The US recently delayed the requirement for sea and land passengers to carry a passport to Mexico.

  5. Always. You used to be able to go down there, and many other places with just a driver's license or US issued I.D. Now things are different, and you must always have your passport handy. Tighter immigration laws are the cause of this.

    Be sure to have it on your way out, and back in as well. Some people still thought they could go to the Caribbeans and back with just their licenses. They got stopped on their way back in to the States. I'm talking typical middle American family, kids, the whole bit. The least suspicious people you would ever lay eyes on. And they had to wait for days till their passports were brought to customs. Always keep your passport handy anytime you leave US soil...

  6. before you go obviously. but you should apply for the passports atleast a year before your trip takes off depending on the state. Illinois was backed up where i am from. i put mine on expodite and put my trip closer so i would get my passport sooner so i could leave for germany, military wife, stationed in here. but to be prepared apply a year in advanced

  7. "Flash" gave the correct answer.  Passports are need now to FLY between U.S. and Mexico, but will not be needed for LAND and SEA travel until after SUMMER 2008.  See site below and read top half of page for current info.  It currently takes 4 to 6 weeks to get a pssport ( not almost a year as one person said!).  There will probably be another grand rush in the spring so it would be wise to apply now if you are going to.l  See 2nd site for all application info.

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