
When do we punctuate using italics and underlining?

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When do we punctuate using italics and underlining?




  1. Underlining is used when naming the title of a book and italics are used for the name of a tv show or  magazine article or something small like that.

  2. They mean the same thing (emphasis) but generally, use underlining for book titles and italics for foreign words and sounds (like the Karate 'Ki-ya!').

  3. nEvEr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Italics should be used for emphasis on words. However, I have also seen Italics used for titles of books or other literature.  Most of the time, underlining is used to indicate book titles or titles of other periodicals.

  5. I'm unsure of the history behind italics and underlining, but many people use what they prefer for emphasis--italics are more common for emphasis and for the titles of certain types of media, while underlining is often used to refer to specific other types of media (certain kinds of titles, for example.)


    At the bottom this explains it all for you

  7. Italics is normally used when naming a book/film/magazine etc (the title of something).  Underlining can also be used for this purpose but I think Italics is the preferred technique.

    I used underlining in my exam papers as I was writing by hand and it's clearer than Italics.  When on the computer, I tend to use Italics.

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