
When do we start to care again, about anything?

by  |  earlier

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Our government lies to our face, we do nothing. Children can't play outside, we do nothing. Men and women are dying on foriegn soil and no one can give us a straight answer on why anymore, and we do nothing. Idiots go on TV telling the world that our government set up 9/11, and we do nothing. People are still homeless in New Orleans, and we do nothing. What's it going to take?




  1. I care.

    I do something.

    My children do play outside.

    People are always dying on foreign soil, we have been given reasons and some of them were good.

    Yes, TV can be a good source of entertainment, and some times news.

    People are homeless in New Orleans, it is about time they did something to help themselves instead of waiting for someone else to do it for them.

    What is it going to take to do what?

  2. I served as an American Red Cross Disaster Relief Volunteer in southern Miss. after Hurricane Katrina, the North Carolina coast after Hurricane Ophelia, and Southern Florida after Hurricane Wilma. I waited for my son to return from Iraq twice. I have run for the United States Senate and for Congress. I answer as many SENSIBLE questions as I can on this forum.

    People all over the world seem not to care what their governments do until their own lives are affected. It is only then that they rise up and make a change.

    Cheer up. Sooner or later our fearless leaders will do something REALLY STUPID. Maybe that will get enough attention to make a difference.

  3. People such as you and me, it does only take one to make a difference.

  4. People DO care.  Many simply have given up.  Yes, politicians feed the public bull p**p on every subject, and nothing comes of any of their solutions.  Yes, there are still homeless in New Orleans- and every other city.  Why pretend to be surprised?  You say you are a teacher.  Don't you see students that WON'T study or learn?  Don't you deal with kids that play games and watch TV, rather than do homework?  Don't you see kids that have parents that are only parent in the biological sense, and not in the nurturing sense?  You KNOW why we have the problems we have- what is the point in ASKING why?  You know.  As for what it will take to change things- that's much easier.  As a society, we MUST stop making excuses for wrong behavior.  AND, we must make people accountable for their actions.  Soooo, nothing will change, cuz today, NOTHING is the fault of anybody.  Everybody is sooooooo busy making excuses, we don't get around to solving things.  It's better to live with problems, than to chance damaging a person's self esteem by pointing out that what they are doing is less than wonderful.

  5. There are people who care and wish to do something about it. You will find them at

  6. ditto - and thank you for all your fine help - i lived in the panhandle during dennis and ivan - every two weeks during huricaine season i either got a direct hit or side swiped.

    if that had happened to NY, chicago or someplace like that - some action would have happened.

    what happened in katernia broke my heart.

  7. Our earth is a very heavy negative place, were here to learn. Nobody really wants to be here, think about it. Its like school, we learn as much as we can then we go home. (heaven) We learn for god. Dont allow it to weigh you down, people need positive light to look to. Theres too much negativity. What are you doing to make things better?   :)

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