
When do you call it quites when eating at an all you can eat restaurant?

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  1. When you've had all you can eat? Or once you've ate everything at the buffet table?

    (wasnt serious for the second one btw)

  2. Antonio, eat all of your favorite foods. Eat every thing you could not eat at home .

        But eat until your full,---remember your stomach is the size of your fist--- and you can stretch it out. You don't have to eat everything you see but pick what you like most . Remember at a buffet style restaurant you are bound to be thrown off a 2,000 calorie diet so eat at those restaurants on special occasions not every day.If you really want to pig out skip breakfast for lunch buffet or skip lunch for dinner buffet. Remember you eat to fuel your body-- but you don't live to eat.

  3. When you feel like you've gotten you're money's worth

  4. Normally I will have a salad and plate full of  meat n veggies;)

    why gorge yourself and feel sick?

    we dont normally eat at them though...i miss salad bars and soup!!

  5. when you´re starting to burst and can´t even stand up, you shouldn´t think about what other people think. Just eat till you can´t anymore then at least you know you´ve got your money´s worth.

  6. ull know when enough is enough....when ur full then its time to stop.

  7. I eat till I am just about full. I know if I eat till I get full I will over stuff & be miserable!!

  8. I usually can't eat as much as I want to--my eyes are bigger than my stomach!

  9. If it's breakfast, I'll get 1 plate of food like eggs or pancakes and then go back and get a 2nd plate of fruit.

    If it's lunch or dinner, I can generally only eat one plate full of food. Anything more than that and I just feel too full.

  10. Temptations, Temptations, I try not to go because too many things to try and I tend to eat way more then if I just had a meal! The stomach takes a while to tell you you are full so one eats past ones max very easy at a All You Can Eat type of Place! I order water and drink a lot so I still get that I stuffed feeling and fill up on water helps me to keep from over filling on food which for a diabetic can be the enemy Sigh! I also tried to stay away from fried foods and stuff swimming in grease! I got a friend that goes for nothing but crab legs or steak at certain buffets Till he has to open his top button hes not a fat man but on those items he stuffs himself! My Problem is to many choices I guess I am Greedy

  11. 2 or 3 servings depends on what foods .

  12. I recently lost weight and now I can't even eat more than one plate.

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