
When do you call people by their first names and when is it appropriate to call them by their last names only?

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If someone from another department just starting working in your department and they seen you around the building, maybe at lunch, in the restroom, etc. Is it proper to start calling you by your first name once they start working with you? What if your in a position of authority? How does this work?




  1. I agree with Wishes,  that corporate culture is very important here.  If everyone addresses everyone else with formal titles, then the same would apply to your coworker.  If it seems to be age/experience/title related,  use their first name if they are in a position lateral to yours.  Of course, you can always err on the side of formality and let them be the one to tell you, "Call me Sue".

  2. Based on my work environments, I used to call everyone by their first names even if they were older than me. However, it would be nice to ask someone who's very elderly and more of a higher position to ask how he/she should be called by.

    Hope that helps

  3. What is the culture of your company and office? Here we call everyone by their first names in our department and central administration but we refer to other by their title or surname if we are introduced to them that way (we are a med school in a hospital situation). Normally people will let you know what they would like to be called by if it isn't clear. You might just ask your supervisor what is proper if you can't figure it out, but just listening to your co-workers should help.  

  4. you ask first, may i call you steve?

    or, how would you like me to address you?

    if you are the one in a position of authority then you say, hello, i am don, you can call me_________[address of choice].

  5. It depends on the workplace. You should pay attention to what your coworkers do in similar situations. Do bosses use first or last names to their employees? Do employees on the same level address each other by name? Do they only use first names when they seem to be "friends" with each other? Does it change when they're addressing each other across departments?

    Unless you observe otherwise, the fact you two work in different departments shouldn't make an impact on whether or not you use first names. If you use first names with people of the same "rank" in your own department, go ahead and use it with him. If first names are reserved only for coworkers you're close to ("My kid made honor roll this year! How are your bunions?"), then you might want to wait to get to know him a little better.

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