
When do you enroll your child in kindergarten? My child is old enough to start in the fall, so should I ...?

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contact the school now or when school registration starts for kids at the end of summer?

(I will probably just call the school this week sometime for specific, but the question came to mind and wouldnt mind advice from other parents "out there")




  1. call and ask.  where i live, the registration date for kindergarten is april 1st.

  2. Call the elementary school that he will be attending and ask them when the kindergarten screening is.  in our area they have two days set up and they do a screening on the kids to make sure they are ready to start.  If for some reason you missed the screening then they will tell you what you need to do next and remember when you go to enroll him you will need his birth certificate, social security card and shot record on hand so they can get copies.

  3. In our city, registration starts the beginning of February.  We need two proof of address and the child's immunization record.  I haven't registered my daughter because we'll be moving and I don't want to have to register her twice (we won't be staying in the neighbourhood).

  4. Just call the school today.  We have registration in the spring for the next fall.  The might even have orientation for you and you child to go to.

  5. Few weeks before summer ends.

  6. Call and see if you can get the paperwork now then in the summer, all you do is have to hand it in.

  7. We had to enroll in Kinder when they were 6 weeks old to get a place. But I defered and waited an extra year to start them as they were a month from the cut off date and I would rather them be more ready for school than to have to compete with others who are much older than them

  8. Just call the school and ask when registration is and then go in person to register your child.  Be sure to ask if there is any documentation (like birth certificate) you need to bring with you.  Likely you need to bring proof of immunizations as well.

  9. Our school recently advertised that registration for the upcoming fall is taking place now, so if my daughter would be old enough to attend kindergarten this fall, I'd have to register her now.  Same with preschool, my daughter will be 4 in Aug, so we just signed her up for the 4 yr. old class for preschool in Sept.

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