
When do you feel most alive?

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Knowing what makes you feel alive helps you to have more joy in your life.

For me, it's when i know i have touched or communed with another, or felt at one with Creation, a wave in the ocean, a ray in the light, an individualization in the All; paradoxically when my self is aware of no-self.

"We discover, perhaps to our astonishment, that our greatest moments come when we find that we are not unique, when we come upon another self that is very like our own. The discovery of a continent is mere idle folly compared with this discovery of a sympathetic other-self, a friend or a lover.

Also When I go shopping!!




  1. Physically, I feel the most alive on a rollercoaster. But when I'm having a heart-to-heart convo with my friend, I feel like I'm recognizing some primal instinct to find what my existence is worth.

  2. When I'm Sleeping..Dreams Free The Mind....

  3. When I stand in front of a drum corps warming up and FEEL the sound come at me. Its like a wall of sound hitting me and I can feel it all over. It feels like I'm a part of the music. Or when I see a live symphony, the silences between movements take my breath away. The silence is just astounding, the whole world is quiet in respect of the music and the musicians. Or, after I play a solo (I play french horn). The adrenaline rush from being scared is crazy. Music to me, is one of the most amazing emotional and spiritual experiences.

  4. one friday nights when i dont have school for the next two days.  

  5. i feel most alive when i am closest to death.

  6. Define alive otherwise never  

  7. Adrenaline rushes make me feel alive.

  8. Whenever confronted with a dangerous situation, or playing that rare game of sports, when something magical happens, after everyone involved gave their all.

  9. at night

  10. always

  11. when i wake up next to my beautiful fiance every morning =)

  12. When I'm by myself, in the woods, and there is no one around for a hundred miles.  I know if anything happens, there is no one to rely on but myself, and I become very aware of every little thing around me.  There is no one to impress, and no one to be responsible to but me.  It feels very primal, and allows me to connect to my roots.

  13. at the top of a rle high roller coaster, when im warped outta my gourd, and when i catch a really good wave surfing

  14. When my daughter and I are laughing and enjoying e/o quirky behavior. We get each other.  

  15. when I wake up.

  16. d....d**n that was deep i almost cried

  17. During s*x

  18. when i breathe

  19. When I wake up in the mornings

  20. when i win the game ;)

  21. I love knowing that I have been a big help...

    Its something about knowing people need me...

    I feel like life is worth living.

  22. Getting off a plane in a new place with no plan other than some great adventure that is about to unfold.

  23. when i inhale and exhale after

  24. I feel most alive when it comes to visiting wildwood NJ. It has everything there for me, also I have been going there my whole life. I can act like myself there.

  25. I feel most alive at night or around children or when doing yoga or meditation  

  26. You've mentioned a few good moments--I especially agree with noticing how insignificant the self is in the greater context of the universe. Not being a believer of any faith, I don't see it as creation with a capital 'C', just what is.

    Standing on the rocks at Drake's Beach in Point Reyes, looking out at the expanse of the Pacific Ocean...that's being alive.

    Enraptured in the embrace of sexual passion, likewise.

    Connecting across ideas and thoughts in an intellectually stimulating conversation, possibly the most alive I've ever felt.

  27. when i free myself

  28. shopping, knowing really good news, going on holiday and wining the lottery he he  

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