
When do you get people to sign release forms?

by  |  earlier

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i have a photoshoot all day tomorrow of a garden being planted, whens the best time to get people to sign release forms, before, after? whats the etiquette?




  1. before is usual the old reason was no waste of film and developing

  2. Before, it's always good business to let clients know the terms up front.  

  3. before? It's to get their consent that photographs are being taken of them... Some people get offended and asking after might make them a little ticked off considering you have the photos already before asking their permission.

  4. All day tomorrow your willing to work for nothing....because you won't receive any money without a contract or release form.  Enjoy your new business you have alot to learn.

  5. The subject gives his or her consent to the publication of the photograph, not to your taking the photograph. You can do it before or after, whichever is convenient. Just say, "Some of my photos may be published in [publication]. Would you sign this release?"

  6. Depends on what is being released.  if you want to work all day, taking the chance that someone will then refuse to sign the release, you can do that.  

  7. well neither, if its a rush get them b4, so they cant leave without them

    if not just do it after

  8. Before.  

  9.   Before, so they know exactly what the program is, and ther are no surprises.

  10. .  Before so they have a minute to think about what they are signing.

  11. asto el francd

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