
When do you go back to school??

by  |  earlier

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I am a freshman! My first day of school is tomorrow and I am so terrified I just wanna know when was everybody else first day of school!




  1. Im a freshman also!! GO CLASS OF 2012!  Well im completly nervous also. My first day starts September 2nd.. Mind telling me how it goes tomorrow?

  2. omg ill be a freshman TOMORROW and im really nervous!

  3. i start sept 3, it will be my sophomore year. its another school which is grades 10-12, i'm happy, but i have to finish my english hw.

    good luck, tomorrow.  

  4. my first day of school is september 3rd

    I'm gonna be a junior. Sorta anxious and excited to see my friends again. I know my classes are gonna be hard though. Already got my schedule


  5. Next tuesday, second to last year at school and then college. Your worried about a new school, i'm worried at how fast time is going. Good luck with tomorrow =]

  6. Class of 2010

    September 2nd

  7. Next Wednesday-Goin to seventh grade

  8. mine is every july. im in the philippines so it works like that

    gud luck with ur first day! hope u make new friends and get high grades! god bless u!

  9. The day after labor day which I believe is Sep. 2nd

  10. i start my sophmore year Tomorrow. It really sux,cause I have to get up at 5 :(

  11. A week from tuesday, I'm a freshman too!

  12. My first day is tomorrow as well!

    I'm going to be a freshman to!!

    Good Luck =)

  13. I am going into 8th grade. New school. But I have it tomorrow, and I have to wake up at 4am  

  14. TOMORROW. ]:

    I'll be a junior.

  15. I START TOMORROW TO and i'm also gonna be a freshmen and i;m really scared and nervous and just posted a question about this too lol:/

  16. I'm a freshman too m gonna start next tuesday/sept.2nd. I'm nervous too. Well good luck to you.  

  17. I remember being a freshman as if it was last year....WOW hold up it was last year....well im going off to 10th OMG well its was fun being a freshman last year... you know how everyone is like your gonna get beat up bec. your a freshman? don't listen!!! thats just lies.... I meet many kool different people!! hope you have fun!

    P.S. remember to enjoy life... because next year your gonna be all uptight and stuff because you have to worry about college and your grades and stuff!!!!

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