
When do you know it's the right time to have a baby?

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Of course WANTING a baby is the first step but after that? Besides money?




  1. It's like a woman's just know.  You get what they call 'baby fever' and can think of little else.  Every time you see a baby, you want to hold, play with, and talk to it.  To be honest, I'm not sure anyone is ever ready financially for a baby.  Just do the best you can in preparing.  It is true that your life will never be the same again, but it is for the better.  Children are wonderful!

    Good luck and God bless!

    If you decide to start trying, check out these websites.  They have helpful information on the best things for baby:  (look up infant formula - besides this, there are lots of helpful things on his website!)  (the best to buy for baby and you - can find at any drugstore, target, fred's, etc...)

    Hope these help!  I would also recommend getting an air purifier as there are more toxins, chemicals, etc in your home than outside.      

  2. When you are ready your're ready.  You don't have to be 100% prepared you just have to know you can provide the child the love it needs.  You have nine months to get prepared!

  3. well i think you should get a few pregnancy books and "first year" books so you know exactly what to expect.  

  4. when you and your partner both want the child and want to love the baby and giving him/her everything you've got!  Then you are ready!

  5. When you feel you can take care of and  teach a child all about the world for the next 18 years,when you can put someone else before you, when you can accept that life wont be the same and if you are willing to except that sleep will never be the same again.

    I think to be honest you just know in yourself when the right time is.

  6. You do when you do.  It's different for everyone.  Everyone has different perogatives that have to be met before they feel ready.

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