
When do you know it is time to move on from an employer?

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I feel like my employer has been taking advantage of me. I work so hard, and I get paid really crappy. I know with my education I can move to a more metropolitan area and find a job with a lot more potential for growth...and immediate money.

I do really like my job and the people I work for. Its a small company (about 30 employees) and the owner and my boss keep hinting at better things to come, but they never do. Finally, my boss told me yesterday, "I got you a raise... 50 cents." I was sooo mad! Its better than nothing, but still not what I expected.

Again, I like my job and I stick around because they keep hinting at better things for me, but it never happens. Is it time to move on somewhere else? I really feel taken advantage of.




  1. How long have you been there? If you've been there for years without getting anywhere, then I would say that it is time to move on. However, times are hard and some companies are not in a position to offer pay rises to employees, in which case they should be above-board about it, in order to gain the confidence of staff.

    I think that it's time to start looking round for somewhere where you will be appreciated in financial terms. You must be aware that often prospective employers will look to see how you advanced on the salary scale in your last employment and assess you accordingly, so you can't afford to stick around in a position where you are in a rut.

    Somebody once told me -- and I've found no reason to disbelieve this -- that if he were leaving a job and was offered more money as an incentive to stay, this would make him even firmer in his resolve to go, as if they had really valued him they would have paid that sort of salary in the first place. Just give it some thought!

  2. Go ahead and start looking, see whats out there. Dont leave your current job unless you feel you've found something that really interest you.

  3. It's time to start looking at least.

    Keep in mind that they may not be paying more because they can't afford more - businesses are hurting now, too.

    There's a lot to be said for working with people you like at a job you like.

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