
When do you know that your marraige is really?

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what js the last straw somebody anybody help me out with this one asap




  1. If my husband cheats on me or beats  me, thats when i know, thats its over. My hubbie and i have a lot of arguments and disagreements, well, we used to argue  a lot, now we talk about our issues, sometimes, its hard to sit down and actually express ourselves. but we know, to keep us together and our marriage alive.  we feel in love, and we knew that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. we dont want to be one of those couples that gets a divorce, because no matter the issue we still and always love eachother. like i said the only way i would walk away is if he cheats on me, but i know that wont happen. i want to grow old together and so does he.

    I know its very hard to keep a realtionship together, its harder than raising a child. but think of what brought you two together. remind her about it. tell her how much you love her. and fight for your marriage. find a safe zone in your house. thats what my husband and i did, where you cant walk away or anything and if your having an issue go to the zone with your partner and talk (try not to yell) about it. my hubbie and i use the bed we sit  or lay on it then just talk to let it out, but dont just talk listen as well. You fell in love with her for a reason, and at some point you thought you would spend forever together. why give up that dream. dont let go...maybe she just wants you to fight for her. and show her that you really do sincire with har, and love her with all your heart. buy her some lfowers, and tell her your sorry how things are going and that you still do love her and always will. tell her your at fault but you both have things you need to work on, start from a clean slate (suggest that) and try to save your marriage. it will make you both happy, ....and it will improve your s*x live a lot!! ;)

    so please try to save it if you can. everyone has their issues that last for a long time, you just need to get passed it, show her you still love her. give her back your heart. good luck! i hope things work out for you guys.

  2. When you try everything possible to make the marriage work including marriage counseling.  Now if one is abusive in anyway then it should of already been over but if you both are sweating over the small stuff and arguing over money or chores then it can be fixed but you both have to put effort in the marriage in able for it to work.  Good luck.

  3. When you're asking a community of strangers who do not know your specific details for an answer like this you know it's over.

  4. When neither of you can stand to be near each other. Or, When you don't feel anything for that person... When you tried everything, and nothing can please them... It's time to leave ... If any of this or all does comply to your emotions... Leave and don't look back.

    good Luck!!!

  5. You will know.  Every camel has different circumstances and weight tolerances. So only you will know what straw brakes your back.  For me it was one more job he did not go to and a pair of panties that weren't mine.

  6. More details?  I have no clue what you're going through.  What is the issue?

    Everyone has a "deal breaker" in their mind, as to why they would end their marriage.  Most say it would be over if their was cheating, or if someone abused the other.  Cheating of Abuse, top reasons to end it.

    You might feel intense right now about it being OVER, but the next day you might have calmed down and realized there are 2 sides to every story...

  7. Many of the problems you may be facing could be just the tip of the iceberg

    on what is really happening in your marriage. I dont mean to scare you but

    many problems when they either first show up or if they keep reoccurring

    could be just whats showing from a larger problem that either you or your

    spouse cannot even see. One of the only things you can do to help is to talk

    honestly and openly with each other in the marriage. If things become more

    serious more serious options need to be looked at as possibilities. I have a

    blog that has more information on some of what I've been writing about. If

    you feel like checking it out I would completly suggest it.

    Love is a choice that is made everyday when you wake up and every night when

    you go to sleep. Some days you may not feel the original feeling but love

    isnt a feeling or an emotion. Its an action a verb. Falling out of love may

    just mean you need to spice things up a little or that you were never in

    love in the first place. Don't just get out of a marriage just because you

    don't think you like the person anymore.

  8. when u cant stand for the other person to touch u.

  9. When one or either both stop working on it.

  10. There are always mistakes that each of you will make but there is always forgiveness if you are both willing.  A marriage never really needs to end unless both partners end up wanting or needing completely different things out of life and can't give that to each other.

  11. If it was REALLY done.... you wouldn't be on here asking that question.  Piece of advice, try talking to her and not strangers.

  12. If you don't want to be with them anymore then it's really over. If you're only staying because you've gotten used to being where you are and you're not there because that's where you want to be then it's over.

  13. for some ,its dis trust,and for others dislike,when you can tell your spouse to got to h**l and mean it ,then you are through

  14. I think it is when you just don't care anymore.  You don't care what they do, where they go, you are not even asking questions anymore.

  15. When you feel no love for the other person.

  16. Mine has been done for years and i'm still burnin' in the oven.

  17. Do you love them? Do they love you? Have either one of you cheated? Not enough detail Bro!

  18. no more wanting to make the marriage work.  When you lose all respect and care for the other person that their needs and wants and feelings no longer matter to you.

  19. I think the actual "straw" is different for every person and every situation.  But I think when you lose the energy to keep fighting and you don't have the strength to take it anymore.  you may still care about the person and want it to work, but when you have lost your umph is when it is over.  

  20. once you dont get attention and love  from your spouse... I guess then its over..

    you are not alone here .. Im here with you.. lol..

  21. I suppose everyone's "last straw" is different. But when you completely stop caring about the other's feelings, you know youre done. You wont care if filing the suit makes the other crazy, you just want out.

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