
When do you know you've crossed the line from "drinking out of boredom" to boderline alcoholic?

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When do you know you've crossed the line from "drinking out of boredom" to boderline alcoholic?




  1. I think you cross the line when "Man, I need a drink," is the first thing you think of in the morning.


  3. -When you can't go without drinking.

    -When you choose drinking over other things.

    -When it is interfering with your every day life and relationships.

    -When your physical health is suffering.

    There really isn't "borderline" alcoholism. You either are an alcoholic, or you aren't. There are varying degrees of alcoholism, but if drinking has become a problem for you, then you should get help. It doesn't necessarily mean you are an alcoholic, but it can mean that you need to stop drinking or at least limit your use.

  4. When you have to ask. If you drink by yourself because you are bored, you are croosing the line into an alcohol problem. I think you know this, or you would not be asking. I suggest you get some help ASAP.

    Below is a self-test you can do from a counseling center. That way you can tell if you are at risk for alcoholism:

  5. There is no "line".  Think about this rationally: drinking, like all human behavior, occurs along a continuum, and there is no point on that continuum where you magically transform into an alcoholic.

    There is, however, a point, varying in severity of course, where you can be said to have a drinking problem.  If you are at such a point, then you don't have to wait for things to get worse before you address the issue.  Quit or cut down.  If you can't, get help, preferably not from AA simply because the group is so cultish and unhealthy.  I quit drinking many years ago (I definitely had a problem!) and found individual therapy to be much more helpful than AA.  There are some alternative programs these days as well, such as Smart Recovery.

  6. Anytime alcohol takes the place of real interpersonal interaction, then it is too much alcohol.  No one should ever drink out of boredom.  Instead you should be discovering new things about yourself and the world and meeting new people and doing exciting and educational things.  Some of this is free so not having money is not an excuse and with the price of liqour I'm sure you could afford something better to do that is also more edifying and fun.  Drinking alcohol isn't fun when it's done as a crutch for an inadequate social life or lack of personal interests and hobbies.  If you're bored then do something to s9olve that problem.  Alcohol does nothing but numb the pain.  The problem is still there and will still be there when your buzz is gone so you will drink more and more to keep the buzz and not feel the boredom.  Yes, you are probably already an alcoholic, but it's not too late to do something about it.  There are healthier things to be addicted to like exercise, video games, the internet, helping people, socializing, etc.  Why not choose something that won't destroy your liver and shorten your life span?

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