
When do you know you only have a few months of braces left?!?

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My orthodontist happens to hate me. It's quite true. Plus, I just don't like asking "how much longer?" because I feel like a 2 year old when im actually 18 years old and NEED these braces off because they make me feel like im 13 and can run a lemonade stand.

So my teeth look really straight to me. I've had these for 4 years and for 3 years I had a biteplate to fix my overbite which is now fine (they told me to stop using the biteplate). I've had rubberbands twice for about 6 months and then stopped them for 3 months and now they're back on as of today. The only thing wrong are small spaces between two teeth (they mirror each other. both on top set of teeth. one on oneside and the other on the otherside). I've had chains for a year.





  1. i had braces for 3 years, but mine are off now. u might have them until next summer. but thats what i think. but i don't know anything about braces except for the fact that i had them. So be patient because its going to be worth it when they come off.  

  2. you should get them off withing a few months. hang in there, i know it's tough.

  3. Best bet: ask your orthodontist.

    Dentists in general tend to be perfectionists, so he/she may be just trying to give you an ideal or "perfect" bite.  It might seem like he or she "hates you", but that usually isn't the case.  Plus, they don't get paid any more for keeping them on longer!

    I had them for 5 years in two phases.  Don't worry, it'll be worth it!

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