
When do you listen to hear or whats in your mind?

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I was in a relationship and he cheated on me and in a sick way I'm still love him. We have been apart for 9months. I don't want to be one of those women who is ok with the cheating..

When do you know when you should chose love and whats in your heart. Then listen to your mind thats telling you not to go down that road again?




  1. Nope, listen to your mind on this, not your heart.

  2. Cheating is lying and disrespect. By logic we all don´t want to be in situations like that. But yeah, we let ourselves go because we´re so "in love."  But our mind and body is so d**n perfect it lets us know when something´s not right, it´s called instincts. We all have them and when you feel something´s not right, then it´s not good for you and better to move away from it.

    Things are either right or wrong and so are people, so are men. You fall in love with someone and it´s not your fault that they lie and cheat. And your heart may be wanting to stay but you know it´s not a good idea. That´s the time to make a decision quick and fast. Problem is, we want what to be in relationships not rationally thinking if it´s good for us, we just go for what we feel.

  3. Listen to your heart, and tell him goodbye

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