
When do you pack your bag for going on holiday?

by  |  earlier

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For example, 1 week before you go, the day before you go?

I think it is dependent upon the person e.g., your age, gender, personality?




  1. day before

  2. I have the case ready one week before and start putting things in as I think of them. By the departure day I have everything I want. I then weigh it and take out the "little" extras.

  3. I take my suitcase out about a week before, leave it in the middle of my bedroom and put a few bits in. Then the day before I over pack,  the morning I'm going I take it all out and start again, usually leaving half the stuff I packed behind.

    Then I weigh it.  depending on that I either pack more or take less out!  i always forget stuff too. Once I even forgot my hairbrush, not good.  My friend has all her stuff ironed and packed a full week before going anywhere. I admire her organisation skills

  4. Day before I go,British,42,female.

  5. Normally I start making a list of all things that I need. Then a few days before leaving, I pack all that I can. The day before I leave, I pack the rest of my clothes and everything thing else that I wont need the rest of the day or next morning. Then right before I leave, I pack whatever is left, like toothbrush, tooth paste, stuff like that.  Checking off the list that I made a few days ago, to make sure its all there. Then I try to relax, but can't because of that annoying little voice oh my shoulder that says "psssst, dumby, I bet you forgot something".  Then I stress. LOL

  6. It depends on how far you will go.

    If you only go out of town, I think 1 week before is enough.

    But if you want to go abroad, maybe 2 weeks before, or it can takes you 1 month to pack, considering that there will be more stuff you will bring abroad.


  7. I pack mine normally 24 to 48 hrs before i go and then put the last bits in when I wake up, never before as normally have to do some washing or Ironing to make sure I have everything I need. Also do not take much more than about 10 - 12 kg of stuff with me in the main bag, have about the smae in back pack which normally contains the camera, cam-corder, spare batteries, etc.

    Never packed before that time, even when I was in the Cadets and Navy and never really taken any more weight than that either.  No matter how long have been away.

  8. whenever  you feel like doing so. this is always better because u'll remember every place you'r gonna visit and pack your bag carefully and the probablity of you forgetting any small thing will become less

    but make sure its before the trip.

  9. the day before i go male,!!

  10. I travel alot, and usually do it the day before as I have more or less an idea of what I'm taking anyway, so don't have to faff about like some, doing it weeks before. Most people take too much anyway, I keep mine to a minimum as I always buy something when I'm there.

    I'm female and generally well organised.

  11. When I am on my own about half an hour before I go.  

    When I am with a woman I don't bother at all, she does it.

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