
When do you pick cucumbers?

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Thanks so much for all the answers. I picked 3 of them and they were delicious. NO SEEDS. Yum




  1. It depends on what kind of cucumbers you are growing.  The gerkin type are picked when they are about 2 inches and up to about 4 inches long.  They grow fast so are ready within a couple of days after setting.

    The long cucumbers you buy in the grocery store are picked between 6 and 8 nches long.  

    The burpless, or English, cucumbers are grown until they are a good 12 inches or more.

    I've picked them almost anytime of the day ... but don't like to mess with the plants when they have the morning dew on them.  Wait for the plants to dry before picking.   And yes, do not rip them off.  Cut them off with scissors or a small knife.

  2. Pick cucumbers when they're still moderate-sized - between 3 and 4 inches for pickling varieties and 6 to 8 inches for slicers - otherwise they'll become seedy and bitter. Cukes mature at the speed of light, so check your plants daily.

    I hope it helps.

  3. scissors. If you pull too hard you risk disturbing the roots, and cucumbers HATE having their roots disturbed.

  4. I like them when they still have a little bit of white to them. just on the bottom. nice and crispy when you can them

  5. Just as they start to yellow on the bottom or just before..

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