
When do you predict the war in Iraq will end?

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When do you predict the war in Iraq will end?




  1. I predict:

    June 13th 2061 at 10:03 gmt

  2. Decode this lyrics " The way we were"

    John 1.20

    Decode this lyrics " Memories"

    "Jesus Christ"

    The super star ?

    Luke 23.34-43

    What do you think?

  3. quietly. We won't see any abrupt of sudden signs, but the US will begin to withdraw, and as a result, the Iraqi insurgents resisting US occupation will stop their attacks against US forces. The Sadrists won't have any grounds with which to oppose the Maliki government, and they will probably start participating in the Iraqi political process.

  4. The war has been over. The mop up continues.

  5. If things continue to progress as they have for the last six months.... we should see significat withdrawls before the new President takes office.... The Iraq war has met 13 of 18 goals.... Even the terrorists are moving to Afghanistan

    You can tell the war is over.....after six years of nightly blood and gore on the evening news..... ABC has devoted ONLY 8 minutes out of 360 HOURS of news to Iraq..... they and most other alphabet news are only interested in "failure" and "blood"......not the winning of the war

    Did you know....

    Iraq for the first time in history produces enough crops to export produce....

    Iraq has its own Navy and functioning Air Force, not to mention it's own Commando Battalion

    Iraq now has five police academies and close to 100,000 trained police officers

    Iraqi children under five have been innoculated for polio ( 96%)

    Iraq has a stock exchange and business is flourishing

    Over 50 countries have re-opened their embassies in Iraq

    Iraq has over 2 million cell phone subscribers....cell phone use has gone up158%

    The totally re-built oil industry is pumping more oil than ever in it's history..... run by the UN and ALL profits going to the Iraqi people

    4.3 MILLION Iraqi children are enrolled in primary school

    Iraq now has 364 new schools....15 new hospitals.....67 public clinics ... 3100 schools have been renovated..... 93 new water facilities....69 new electrical stations

    YOU DID NOT KNOW THAT ?? Blame your news media

  6. I don't think it will ever truly end.

    We started something that's going to go on and on now. The troops are there now and the second they leave it's going to be h**l to pay for everything that's gone on on our part.

  7. Once the new US president is elected.  But the war in Iraq will happen again when Bush the third is elected as the future president.  Luckily George W. Bush has only daughters unless his nephew George Prescott Bush is interested to become a president and run the country.  Frankly, I don't wish to see the pattern to happen.

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