
When do you put a collar on a cat?

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My kitty is called Tabasco and he is a cute little tabby

He's 3 months old and 2 weeks.

Is this old enough for me to put a collar on my baby?

Thanks to all those who answer!




  1. If he's an indoor cat who never goes outside, than don't get him a collar.  I think it breaks their spirit.  If he goes indoors and outdoors, than get him one soon. Good luck.

  2. He is old enough. Make sure you get one that is designated as a kitten size (most others will be too big). Also, get one with a break away clasp, not elastic, if they get stuck, the collar pops off instead of choking them. I always try to pull at the clasp before I buy a collar to make sure they come off when a reasonable amount of force is applied.

    Be prepared to put the collar back on him many times. Sometimes cats don't like the collar and they learn how to get them off, but if you are persistent he will accept it with no problems.

    Even if it is an indoor cat a collar is a good idea in case he gets out by accident.

  3. indoor cats really don't need a collar.  just keep your cat inside and you won't have to worry about that and you won't be torturing your cat.

  4. yes, he is perfectly old enoough for a collar!

    try and get one that adjusts alot, so it will fit him his whole life.

    have fun with your kitten! =]

  5. Yes he is old enough to get one. But I would suggest not to put one on him because my cousin had a cat that was actually 4 months old and she put a collar on him and he went under the chair and there was something that was stiking out and he got his collar stuck on it and it choked him.

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