
When do you really feel comfortable and happy in your own skin ?

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do you like yourself ? are you aware of your faults ? at what age if any do you accept this ?




  1. i'm a figure skater, and i feel really happy when i'm skating. i'm around all my closest friends and i'm working hard for a sport i love. it's very rewarding going on the ice that day and knowing that for that moment, where i am is where i want to be, no matter what else is going on in my life.

    i'm aware of my faults, but they are just a part of me. my imperfections. and i love all of myself, even those parts.

    i'm 14, and this summer i've realized all this. a lot went on, but i'm changed for the better.

  2. i feel really happy as myself when im around my friends and when my face is clearer than normal, because its gives me this energy boost and i feel all excited and proud about myself :)

    also when i buy new things, because then i feel all special and spoiled

  3. It is very simple because you could imagine it and I bet if you are comfortable having an unimaginable features  

  4. If you're introspective you will always have up days and down days. All you can do is try to find a middle.

  5. On the whole yeah I do like myself. I'm all too aware of my many faults, but they make me the person I am. I only started to believe this a few months ago, it kind of just happened randomly after months of self loathing. I'm 17 so I guess it can happen at any age, you just have to want to love yourslef

  6. Over to Mr.Jackson.

  7. I am comfortable mostly when I am alone. I think I am the greatest most undervalued person in the world. I am deluded reagrding my faults, but who is. I carry myself with a self-deprecating humor for this very reason, and because so few people get it that I am special. When I was a child, I was the king. But I was also incredibly anxious. Teen years were rough, with depression and not fitting in, but I don't think I suffered from self-esteem issues. So I guess I have always been as I am now, more or less.

  8. I feel cool about me. but then I'm old as in over 30, 10 years ago I was really self consciece (badly spelt).

  9. I feel comfortable and happy in my own sking when I'm with my family...i do like myself..and yeah i'm aware of my faults...i loose my temper rather easily...but i'm trying to get control of it...and there are some things you just can't change about yourself. Hmmm I think i've like myself since I was little but during teenage years i kind of like tried to compare myself with other people...but that just doesn't work...and i'm back now to liking myself again...i realized this i guess last year...i was 16 back then...anyways yeah I'm happy, I like me, and I try to make others happy.

  10. everytime i wake up.

  11. im 18 now and ive always been paranoid about the way i look, but when my boyfriend looks and me and tells me that i look beautiful even when i dont feel it.. that makes me feel better about myself knowing that even thought i dont love everything about myself...someone else does :) x

  12. ask  bruce springsteen

  13. ...every night before going to bed and each morning waking up knowing

    im alive...enjoy all tha LIFE the moment...thanks for asking...

  14. I think it is natural for us to like ourselves. A child likes himself. He imagines his home to be the universe, and himself to be the sole rule of his world. It is natural from the beginning to see ourselves in a best possible light and people close to us as the best possible people in the world. It is there nor natural for us to see our faults. The fact is that if we are left on our own we might never realise as if we have any imperfection or flaw in our being. It is when we learn to compare ourselves with the one around us we begin to see as what is good about us and what is not so good.

    Our belief in ourselves as our sense of liking ourselves therefore suffers many blows along the way as we grow in experience understanding and mature into adulthood. We begin to see more of our faults and seek more way to improve ourselves. This is the point where we learn to accept or reject things whereas before we were programmed wither to like things or dislike them – the difference here is that of the involvement of reason with the all that up to this point has been all too natural and instinctive.

    This therefore is not matter of any time or age that we become comfortable in life as to stay comfortable thenceforth, but a matter of constant endeavour and active involvements in our affair with life. We have to examine and re-examine the active contents of our mind. I might have some faults that I have overcome in the face of a situation but for another situation I might realise that I need development of another type, in some other way. I therefore do not believe that comfort or happiness is in our skin but in the actual working of our mind. I think I would be more comfortable if I am able to do a little bit of maintenance work everyday, instead of letting things piled up. I would be happier if I earned my happiness for every moment of my life. Instead of desiring to be happy once and for all, and knowing nothing of sadness, I would be happier if I really knew what happiness is.

  15. I LOVE myself. Not in an egotistical or conceited way. I love everyone too, I like to find beauty in all people. That's the fun of it. Instead of hating people I'd rather find out how they are beautiful in their own little way. I started seeing through this point of view this year, and I'm 15. I think this can happen when you start developing as a teen.

  16. when im drunk. i love everyone then. ;)

  17. I accepted being comfortable in my own skin last year.  I am 45 years old.  I am very aware of my faults!  When I realize what I have said or done wrong, I make it right by confronting the person or persons.

    There are times we all feel uncomfortable in our own skin, but once you realize you are part of the universe (other spirits) then this allows you to feel the comfort in your own skin.


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