
When do you reccommend moving toddler to a toddler bed?

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My son just turned 1, im not saying that i am going to do it now but hes trying to walk and when hes laying on my bed with me and wants down, he gets to the edge and slides down and my bed is sort of high. he does not really talk. just mom and dad and tries to say other stuff. when do you think would be a good time? his crib, the matress lowers and the side rail goes up and down and it turns into a toddler bed then to a full size so spending money on a new one wont happen.




  1. There's no set time when you have to replace your child's crib with a regular or toddler bed, although most children make the switch sometime between ages 1 1/2 and 3 1/2. It's best to wait until your child is closer to 3, since many little ones just aren't ready to make the transition. Of course, you'll need to move your toddler to a bed when he's simply too big or too active to sleep in a crib anymore. And once he's potty-trained, he'll need to be able to get out of bed to use the toilet.

    Many parents make the switch because they're worried that their active toddler might climb or jump out of his crib — and this is a real safety concern. But it's best not to react to climbing out of the crib or any other sudden sleep problem with a sense of alarm. Don't rush right out and buy a new bed the day your toddler first climbs out of the crib. He may not be ready to move to a bed, and it may not be safe for him to be up and about during the night when everyone else is asleep.

      go to  and look for How and when should I move my toddler from a crib to a bed  there is more in there

  2. I suggest when you start potty training, so they can get out and potty if they need to.

  3. Whenever you want really.  I would keep him in the crib as long as you can or until he startsclimbing out and it becomes dangerous for him to be in there.

    My daughter loved her crib and would probably still sleep in there if I let her (she's 28 months).  I  switched her to a twin size bed just before her 2nd birthday.  It went very well and she was really excited about getting special "big girl" bedding.

  4. I never recommend a toddler bed.  Why bother with the expense when they will just be moving up into an adult size bed soon enough?  In other words, when it's time to move out of the crib, you might as well just move strait to a "big boy" bed.  Just start with either bed rails or just put the mattress on the floor for starters.

    As for when... depends upon the situation.  Once they ever start crawling out of the crib, then it's definitely time.  If you are about to have another baby, then a month or so before the birth it's time to toss him out of the crib to make room for the new baby.  If the baby isn't sleeping in his crib anymore because he's always sleeping in YOUR bed, it's time to put him in his own bed when you get tired of the sleeping arraignment.

  5. i switched my twins at a year because they were climbing out of their crib and i found it dangerous.  I used the convertible crib for a year then bought a toddler bed for each of them. You will find that the cribs dont last long really.. we used it as a toddler bed but then it started to seems not so safe, bars breaking and stuff.. now they are 3 and when we move they will get twin beds each.. so i say switch when they are either climbing out of the crib, or just to old.. i say by 2 is a good age..  

  6. The american academy of pediatrics states that the right time to move from the crib to a toddler bed is 3.  The exceptions to that rule is if they potty train before then or if they try climbing out before then.

    My daughter did just fine in her crib until she turned 3.  I converted her crib to a toddler bed and she did wonderful.

    Just take any information you can and apply it to your life and do what is best for your family.

    Good Luck

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