
When do you say 'I Love You'?

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How do you say it?




  1. when you need something

  2. I say it when I love someone for real. I say it to my gf these days when my heart says that I really do love her.

    I either sau "I love you" or "ti amo" and sometime I add specifics on just how much i love her, which is a lot, tanto tanto tanto :D

  3. When the time and moment are right you will know.  If you feel it now and feel the need to express it, then do so.  At least he will know how you feel.

  4. When you mean it.. and when you really do feel it you'll know how, when, where to say, and that how doesn't matter - just letting your other half know is most important.

    Good luck!

  5. how do you mean? I tell my girl i love her everyday, whether its over the phone or we are out. it dont matter how or when.

  6. When wifey and I had a little argument which led to cold treatments and have drawn frowns on our faces, that's the time to remind her that nothing has changed with what I feel for her.

    One of my way of saying it is by singing it. I get my guitar and start strumming and singing like a rockstar.

    "well I know it's kinda late,

    i hope I didn't wake you.

    what i've got to say can't wait

    i hope you'd understand.

    everytime i tried to tell you the words just came out wrong

    so i'll have to say "i love you" in a song."

    She'll just smile and take her clothes off... the laundry basket, and say,

    "tara na. laba na tayo!" (let's go wash these clothes)

    God, I miss those days. And I miss my guitar, too. =)

  7. u say i love u when u feel like u... umm what was i gonna say, OH u LOVE THE PERSON!!!!

    and u just say it, i usually wait till the other person says it tho

  8. when i mean it. and i just say it.

  9. I have said it so many times that somehow it has lost its meaning.  More like a routine for me unlike the first time when saying "I love you" made me so "kilig to the bones".  When my husband said he loved me the first time, I reciprocated with a smile and a sweet "I love you, too." hehehe... Oh, that felt like eons ago.  Anyway, you always say those lines when you mean it, from the heart.  Never say "I love you" if only to mislead or fool someone.  Remember karma.

    Of course, I say it in my own dialect.  Well, sometimes the English version.

  10. I'll softly whisper it to the person's ear after having a breath-taking s*x while still hugging each other.

  11. i say it when he's not listening.

  12. It's just a mutual feeling, when both parties feel the connection. I don't say it to just anybody, I really need to feel chemistry. It took me about 2 months before I said I love you to my current boy. lol. I told him upfront and in person, I refuse to use text messaging for intimate sentences that have meaning behind them.

  13. to junakis (kids)-- every chance i get!

    to hubby-- every 15th and 30th of the month he he he...

  14. when you meet the right person worth loving.

    and i'm goona say it from the bottom of my heart, with hug and kisses.

  15. It could be quite tragic to lose someone you love. But it would be really disastrous if she/he did not even know that you loved her/him. In a cynical world where love is hard to find, it is extremely important to convey your true feelings to the object of your affection. The simple yet timeless "I love you" will never fail when you try to express your feelings.

  16. just say it.. if you really love the person..

  17. I say I love you to my friends all the time. That is to remind them how much they are important to me and how much I appreciate being friends with them. :)

    Always, when I say goodbye, even in chatting. :D And I add a >:D< hug emoticon.  

  18. eye luhvv yew

  19. when it is really needed by someone..

    and i say those words with sincerity.. [:

  20. Say I love you to people that you love at least once a day, so they will not forget.

    I do say it with feelings from the heart whether it is in person and in oral or written form. I really mean it when I do express that 3 letter word.

  21. wen u mean it.

  22. when i feel having s*x

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